




Dear reader,

It is my great pleasure to invite you to explore the latest edition of our magazine Logos Guardia Civil, the scientific journal of the University Center of the Guardia Civil. In this issue, we offer you a collection of articles that deal with topics of utmost importance and relevance in the field of Security, all of them framed in the research lines of our publication. After an exhaustive evaluation process, we have carefully selected eight articles to be part of this third issue.

On this occasion we start the magazine with the invaluable collaboration of Mr. Eduardo Martínez Viqueira, Lieutenant General, Chief of Personnel Command of the Guardia Civil, with a very interesting article titled "Honor as a badge: a strategic vision of Values in the Guardia Civil".

In the research work section, we present a series of studies that address various aspects of Security. We start with the article titled "Leadership in Emergency and Crisis Situations", where Ms. María Dolores de la Cruz, author with a solid background in health and legal psychology, provides a unique perspective on people management and talent management in security contexts, addressing the influence of the psychological factor and the crucial role of leaders in managing extreme situations.

We continue with the article by Mr. Anselmo del Moral, Colonel of the Guardia Civil and Doctor of Law, who immerses us in the depths of organized crime, unraveling current trends and proposing innovative solutions to combat drug trafficking that challenges our society in the 21st century.

The Lieutenant Colonel of the Guardia Civil and expert in technology and innovation applied to security, Mr. Miguel Fayos, opens the doors to the new Schengen Information System, highlighting the importance of technology and data protection in border security.

For his part, Mr. Fernando Javier Galiana, Doctor of Law with an integral vision of border management, presents his article "Cooperation: Sustainable Model of Migration Management", in which he proposes a migration management model based on respect for human rights.

Next, Mr. Diego González López takes us on a journey through the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, focusing on Boko Haram and the fight against terrorism in Nigeria, offering a valuable legal and criminological perspective on one of the most notorious terrorist groups.

From a socio-historical perspective, Mr. Francisco López Muñoz and Mr. Francisco Pérez-Fernández, two Doctors with a wide academic and professional career, transport us from the legend of the bandit to the current narcoculture, offering a critical analysis of criminal evolution over time.

In the field of police action, Emilio Martínez Núñez, Captain of the Guardia Civil, reflects on the legal use of force, a hot topic in citizen security.

The last scientific article comes from Mr. Enrique Viguera Rubio, diplomat and lawyer, former ambassador in several countries and an expert in national and international cooperation with an exceptional legal and diplomatic training, who invites us to reflect on defense budgets within the European Union, a debate that resonates in the corridors of power and international diplomacy.

In the jurisprudence review section, we once again have the collaboration of Mr. Javier Ignacio Reyes López, Magistrate Judge of Instruction No. 1 and Dean of Alcalá de Henares, who offers us a jurisprudence review of the 2nd Chamber of the Supreme Court.

We trust that these works will capture your interest and provide you with enriching and updated perspectives on the challenges and possibilities presented by the security sector, thus promoting debate and progress in this vital area for society.

We extend our sincere thanks to each of the authors and collaborators for their invaluable contribution and effort in creating these documents of exceptional quality. Likewise, we want to recognize the indispensable work of the evaluators and the members of the Editorial Board and the Scientific Committee, whose effort has been fundamental for the materialization of this new issue."


Francisco Díaz Alcantud

Director del CUGC