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Current Issue

No. 3 (2024)
Portada del número 3 de la Revista Logos Guardia Civil

Here is the English translation of your text:

In this issue, the following research lines are addressed:

  • Leadership and Talent Management in Security: Leadership in emergency and crisis situations is analyzed, with special emphasis on the psychological factor and the role of leaders.
  • Fight against Organized Crime and Specialized Delinquency: The main trends and possible solutions against organized crime related to drug trafficking in the 21st century are discussed.
  • Technology and Innovation Applied to Security: A study on the new Schengen information system and its application to security is presented.
  • Integrated Border Management: A sustainable model of migratory management based on respect for human rights is explored.
  • Fight against Terrorism: The issue of Boko Haram in Nigeria and the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court is addressed.
  • History of the Civil Guard: An analysis of the criminal reality from a socio-historical approach is carried out, from the legend of the bandit to the current narcoculture.
  • Citizen Security: The operational police intervention and legal use are discussed.
  • National and International Cooperation of Police Interest: Reflections on the expenses in defense of the EU and its scope.

Each of these articles provides a deep and detailed view of their respective research line, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in these fields.

Published: 2024-06-26

Recensiones de jurisprudencia

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La Revista "Logos Guardia Civil" (Revista científica del Centro Universitario de la Guardia Civil) nace con el objetivo de convertirse en la plataforma de referencia tanto para trabajos realizados por jóvenes investigadores, como para las aportaciones de autores más prestigiosos y experimentados en el ámbito de la seguridad pública, colaborando así en la difusión de las investigaciones científicas relacionadas con las diferentes disciplinas que se enmarcan dentro del espectro de conocimiento de las ciencias  policiales, jurídicas y sociales o de cualquier otra relacionada con la seguridad ciudadana e incentivando la labor de investigación y colaboración en este campo.