Artificial intelligence is probably the most important vector of security and law enforcement transformation. The need of security is a response to the defense of fundamental interests of states. How to protect these interest with artificial intelligence tools and technologies from foreign states? Más allá de las principales potencias estatales, es necesario abordar el entorno económico de la inteligencia artificial. The main players in the development of artificial intelligence in the world are the largest technology companies: GAFAM (Google, Apple, Facebook-Meta, Amazon, Microsoft) and BATHX (Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent, Huawei, Xiaomi). The reality is that their capacity to influence extends beyond the borders of the United States or China and their power is not limited to companies, but extends to States, NGOs, international and regional organizations. This hegemony is a reality also in Europe.
Most of the EU countries have the graeco-roman "modus vivendi" that requires new laws before the implementation of any single novelty in a court. In a world where new technologies, apps, softwares, appear on a daily base, we have no more time for that.
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