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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission file is in Word format.
  • The text has single line spacing; Times New Roman font; 12-point font size; italics are used instead of underlining (except for URLs); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed in the appropriate places within the text, instead of at the end. They will be numbered and include a brief caption, following APA guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the editor).
  • Whenever possible, URLs are provided for references.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which are found in "Acerca de la revista".

Author Guidelines


The works submitted for publication in the Logos Guardia Civil Journal (hereinafter, Logos Journal or the Journal) must be unpublished and not pending publication in another Journal. However, upon request to the Editorial Board, they may be published in another medium once written authorization has been granted in this regard by the Director of the Journal.


People who wish to submit papers must send an anonymous version of their article, in Word format, through the Journal's website and using the downloadable template. To do this, they must previously register as authors. This file must be anonymized both in its content and in the metadata of the Word file.

The following information will be sent in a separate file to the article:

  • Title
  • Author's full name
  • Type and number of identity document
  • Place and date of birth
  • Affiliation or institution to which you belong or your position
  • Academic training, last professional title
  • Complete postal address
  • Email
  • Open Researcher and Contributor ID – ORCID and the link to Google Scholar, if available.


The CUGC Journal will send all people who send originals acknowledgment of receipt to the email address they provide. The Editorial Board will decide whether or not to accept the works received. This decision will be communicated to the author and, if affirmative, the issue of the Journal in which it will be included will be indicated, as well as the approximate date of publication.

Articles that do not comply with these rules will be returned to their author, who may resend them again once the appropriate modifications have been made.

Items are received throughout the year. Depending on the entire process from when the article is received until it is published, notifications of the status of the article can be received.

Note: Authors must ensure that the email account (or server) used to communicate with the Journal does not send unwanted messages (spam) or block messages sent by the OJS editorial system.


The Journal subjects all the articles it receives in its calls to a plagiarism detection tool. When total or partial plagiarism is detected (without the corresponding citation), the article is not sent for evaluation and the authors are notified of the reason for the rejection.


Each article received is preliminarily reviewed according to the objectives and Editorial Policy of the Journal, the minimum standards of academic quality, originality and adaptation to these standards. The Editorial Team reviews whether the basic requirements are met (citation standards and formal presentation), as well as its relevance to appear in a publication (title, identifiers, objective, theoretical framework, methodology, results, conclusions and references). Articles that pass this prior evaluation by the Editorial Team will be presented to peer reviewers.

The evaluation methodology follows the principle of “double-blind” peer evaluation, maintaining special care with the ethical standards established for this type of publications and avoiding conflicts of interest. This means that, during the evaluation, both the names of the authors and the evaluators remain anonymous.

The correction guidelines that are deemed pertinent will be sent to the authors, except for those of a minor nature that do not affect the content and that can be made by the writing team (corrections of spelling, punctuation, format, etc.).

The final decision to publish or reject articles is made by the Editorial Board, according to the reports presented by the evaluators.

This decision is communicated to the author by means of an email issued by the Journal Editorial Team (approved, approved with modifications or rejected).


The works published in the Journal will be remunerated in the amount established by the Editorial Board, except in those cases in which they are disinterested collaborations.

The works presented must strictly respect the deadlines indicated as the maximum delivery date.

Neither the University Center of the Civil Guard nor the Logos Guardia Civil Journal assumes the opinions expressed by the authors.


There is a guide-template for its use with all the details regarding format and formal aspects. It can be downloaded from the Journal’s website.

The criteria for the presentation of texts are the following:

EXTENSION. The body of the work, without summaries, keywords or annexes, must have a minimum of 6.000 words and a maximum of 9.000.

FONT. Times New Roman 12 points. The notes and affiliation will be in the same font, size 10 points.

PARAGRAPHS. Indent type ‘1st line’ of 1.25 cm. Single space. The use of bold and underlined words in the body of the text will be avoided. Italic font will be used for book titles and other sources or for the inclusion within the text of words or expressions in a language different from the article.

TITLE. The title will appear on the first page, in capital letters and bold.

SUMMARY AND KEYWORDS. Preceded by the word ‘Abstract’, a Spanish extract of a maximum of 250 words will be included below. Next, in another paragraph, a "Resumen", a Spanish translation of the previous summary. In the following paragraph, the keywords will be included, in a maximum of five, preceded by the expression "Keywords". Next, in a new paragraph, those keywords in Spanish preceded by the expression "Palabras clave".

STRUCTURE. The papers will be divided into titles and subtitles up to the 4th level, each with its own title, numbered. They will be titled according to the hierarchy level:

  1. First level: in bold capital letters.
  2. Second level: in round capital letters.
  3. Third level: in lowercase and bold.
  4. Fourth level: in lowercase and italics.

PICTURES AND FIGURES. They will be numbered and will include a brief title, following the APA 7th edition regulations (

NOTES. They will be essential and will be placed at the end of the page in a numbered format.

REFERENCES AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL QUOTES. The APA 7th edition system will be used.

  1. In-text quotes: Depending on the type of appointment:
    • Textual citation: author's last name, year of publication and page.


(Kaplan & Szapu, 2019, p. 111).

Kaplan & Szapu (2019), “It seems to be […]of escape” (p. 111).

  • Paraphrasing: author's last name and year of publication.


(García, 2014) or “according to García (2014) the conditions…”

  1. References: It will be limited to the bibliographic sources used and cited in the text. Follows alphabetical order of authors' last names.


  • Book:

Jackson, L. M. (2019). The psychology of prejudice: From attitudes to social action (2nd ed.). American Psychological Association.

  • Article or book chapter:

Barton, D. and Hamilton, M. (2004). Literacy understood as a social practice. In V. Zavala, M. Niño-Murcia and P. Ames. (Eds.). Writing and society. New theoretical and ethnographic perspectives (pp. 109-139). Network for the development of social sciences in Peru.

  • Scientific article (journal):

Castro, B. (2016). Construction and transformation of masculinities of the sugar cane cutters of Valle del Cauca. Colombian Journal of Sociology, 39(1), 79-102.

  • Online Journal article:

Caicedo-Tamayo, A. and Rojas-Ospina, T. (2014). Beliefs, knowledge and use of ICT by university professors. Education and Educators, 17(3), 517-533.

  • Newspaper articles or news:

Díez, A. and Baquero, CS (2020, January 2). The ERC leadership shields Sánchez's investiture with its support. El País, 4.

ORGANISMS AND ACRONYMS. Whenever possible, the acronyms in the language of the original text will be used (if it is a text in Spanish, for example, OTAN will be used, and not NATO; ONU and not UNO). The first time an acronym is used in a text, the translation or equivalence will be written first, if possible, and then, in parentheses, the name in the original language, and the acronym, separated by a comma, being able to subsequently use only the initials.

Any doubt about summons must be cleared by going directly to the APA 7th edition standards.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.