

Knowledge Economy, Management model, People Analytics, Talent, Commitment, Employee Experience, leadership, eNPS, Public Administration, Civil Guard


We are immersed in the so-called knowledge economy, caused among other aspects by the possibilities that digital transformation offers us and in this economic context there are two fundamental parameters for the management of organizations, the first is the degree of digitization of the activities that are carried out and the second is the awareness that the differential value of these digitized companies is the human talent they can count on and that can make the difference between successful organizations and those that will not.

The importance of talent in this environment is key and it has become a rare commodity that must be taken care of, which is why people management is highly critical within companies and the focus on management must be focused in making real this differential value that individuals can contribute, listening to their needs and creating relationship models that are adapted and consistent with the DNA of the companies. For this, the Employee Experience model has emerged.

In order to achieve adequate results, organizations have to adapt their people management models to the new economic reality, creating management models focused on providing them with adequate support, turning employees into internal customers and making them live the best of experiences.

The purpose of this article is to expose both conceptually and through concrete data how the management model focused on the employee experience can help meet the challenges of our organizations, both private and public, in terms of people management.

Within the framework of the Public Administration and, more specifically in the Civil Guard, the model proposed here can provide objective data that provide valuable information for decision-making in people management.


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Author Biographies

Josefa Elisa López Gómez, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Doctor in C.C. of Information of the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM); Degree in Education, specializing in Industrial Psychology, from the UCM; Diploma in Graphology from the Spanish Society of Graphology (SOESGRAF); Master in Calligraphic Expertise (SOESGRAF); Master in Management and Business Management; Master in Personnel Selection; Expert in Human Resources Management. Employee Experience Specialist.

Professional with more than 30 years of experience in the field of Human Resources, both in Consulting and Human Resources Director, managing teams and projects. Professor of Human Resources Selection and Management at the Centro de Estudios Garrigues (Affiliated to the Antonio de Nebrija University), professor of the Human Resources area and of the Talent Development area in the Degree in Labor Relations and Employment of the Carlos III University of Madrid, professor of the Educational Coaching program of the UCM, as well as the University Expert in Resilience, personal and executive Coaching (International Certification. CU Villanueva-UCM and Integrative Excellence). He is also a professor of Management and Leadership in the Degree in Security Engineering and in the Degree in Public Security Management of the University Center of the Civil Guard (Academy of Civil Guard Officers). He is a trainer at the School of Industrial Organization (EOI).

Specialist in Personnel Selection and Training, as well as in Talent Identification and Development. She has evaluated people in different fields through Evaluation and Development Centers since 1997 and has been working as a professional Graphologist since 1991, applying the technique both to the evaluation of people and to the identification and development of talent. He is a speaker at different national and international conferences. It has scientific publications of the highest international level (JCR-Q1).

She is Director of the International Diploma in Graphology.

He has extensive experience as a Consultant in multinationals from different sectors: Pharmaceutical, Services, Technological, Industrial, Automotive, Banking, Media, Professional Services, etc., as well as in Public Organizations.

She is a Certified Executive Coach since 2000 and a Team Coach.

José Luis Pascual Pedraza, Lukkap, Madrid

Organización: Lukkap, Madrid

Puesto: Socio Director Experiencia Empleado

Formación Académica: MBA en Empresas de la Economía del Conocimiento por la Universidad Oberta de Cataluña, Master en RRHH por el Centro de Estudios Garrigues, Licenciado en Sociología Industrial y de los RRHH por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Antonio Parrilla Martínez, Guardia Civil. Mando de Personal, Madrid

Organización: Guardia Civil. Mando de Personal, Madrid

Puesto: Teniente Coronel

Formación Académica: Grado en Derecho por la Universidad Europea. Máster en Seguridad por la UNED.


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2023-06-28 — Updated on 2023-06-30


How to Cite

López Gómez, J. E., Pascual Pedraza, J. L. ., & Parrilla Martínez, A. . (2023). EMPLOYEE EXPERIENCE: PEOPLE MANAGEMENT MODEL IN THE KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY. Logos Guardia Civil, Scientific Magazine of the University Center of the Guardia Civil, (1), 169–194. Retrieved from https://revistacugc.es/article/view/5823 (Original work published June 28, 2023)