Need for a specialised Road Safety prosecutor's office


  • Luis del Río Montesdeoca Fiscal de Sala Coordinador de Seguridad Vial de la Fiscalía General


road safety offences, motor vehicle, driver, risk, victim


This paper aims to answer the following question: is there a need for a specialized Public Prosecutor's Office for road safety?

For this purpose, I analyze the specialization of the Public Prosecutor's Office

introduced into our legal system by Act 24/2007.

Road safety is an important aspect of everyday life for all citizens. All efforts are not enough to combat this scourge, which involves an intolerable human and social cost, especially in a society such as ours with the scientific and technological development at

its disposal. Even in economic terms, the cost is high.

Likewise, we analyze different statistical data and questions about the present and

future of road safety.


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How to Cite

del Río Montesdeoca, L. . (2024). Need for a specialised Road Safety prosecutor’s office. Logos Guardia Civil, Scientific Magazine of the University Center of the Guardia Civil, (2), 13–50. Retrieved from