Citizen security under debate: the particular case of ports and airports of general interest


  • José Antonio Mingorance Sánchez General de Brigada de la Guardia Civil - Doctor en Derecho y Ciencias Sociales por la UNED


Public security, citizen security, legal right, police custody of ports and airports


This work aims to reach conclusions on the concept and content of the legal right citizen security and its projection on ports and airports of general interest. Starting from the analysis made by the various doctrinal positions on the legal right and continuing with the jurisprudential interpretations on the material content of public security and citizen security, we will immerse ourselves in the security model of the autonomous State. To this end, we will start from a qualitative approach, making use of a descriptive and deductive methodology to present a social reality such as the necessary conditions of security in the free development of the individual in society, as well as its introduction and evolution in our legal system. To conclude with an inductive methodology where the foundations of the necessary protection of citizen security are laid, it can be stated that this is also projected in a special way on the custody of specific spaces such as ports and airports. These facilities are the exclusive custody of the Civil Guard in the field of public security, but which require recourse to the general powers of the security police to also carry out public security functions in a specific or singular aspect such as the protection of these ports and airports.


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How to Cite

Mingorance Sánchez, J. A. (2025). Citizen security under debate: the particular case of ports and airports of general interest. Logos Guardia Civil, Scientific Magazine of the University Center of the Guardia Civil, (4), 13–32. Retrieved from



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