The competences of the coastal state authorities in the territorial sea: special reference to the Guardia Civil


  • Milagros Moisés González Alba Capitán de la Guardia Civil - Máster en Relaciones Internacionales, Migraciones y Estudios Europeos


Coastal State Competences, Territorial Waters, Guardia Civil, Maritime Security, Maritime Law, Environmental Protection, Maritime Surveillance, Spain


The article "The Coastal State Competences in Territorial Waters: Special Reference to the Guardia Civil" delves deeply into the competences exercised by the Spanish State in its territorial waters, emphasizing the crucial role of the Guardia Civil. It reviews the historical evolution of the concept of territorial sea, the coastal state's competences, and the current legal framework supporting them, at international, national, and European levels. The specific functions of the Guardia Civil in monitoring and controlling the territorial sea, combating drug trafficking, protecting the marine environment, and ensuring navigation safety, among others, are highlighted. Additionally, the means and capacities of the Guardia Civil to perform these functions are detailed, including its maritime fleet, specialized personnel, and advanced surveillance systems. The conclusions underscore the importance of international cooperation, the use of advanced technologies, and continuous adaptation to new challenges for the effective management of territorial waters.


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How to Cite

González Alba, M. M. (2025). The competences of the coastal state authorities in the territorial sea: special reference to the Guardia Civil. Logos Guardia Civil, Scientific Magazine of the University Center of the Guardia Civil, (4), 171–204. Retrieved from



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