The future in the investigation and reconstruction of road accidents. The E.D.R. (Event Data Recorder) device and its application to help reduce accidents
Traffic accident, Event Data Recorder (EDR), Evidence, Road safety, TrafficAbstract
The recent implementation of EU Regulation 2019/2144 of the European Parliament and the Council on November 27, 2019, established that as of July 2022, newly homologated vehicle types must be equipped with an Event Data Recorder (EDR).
The following article aims to investigate whether this new system will help expedite accident investigation times and facilitate accident reconstruction tasks for officers of the Traffic Group of the Civil Guard, responsible for these activities on interurban roads. Additionally, it assesses whether this new system will significantly reduce the number of accidents and injuries in road transportation.
Finally, an exploration is conducted on how the SHELL model, traditionally used by aviation accident investigators, could also be applied to accident investigation and reconstruction in road accidents, taking into consideration that air transport has been the safest way of travelling in history and has been developed considering an integral approach.
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